Google ends support for Internet Explorer 11

As everyone knows, Internet Explorer is a web browser. Now, Google has announced that it is ending support for Internet Explorer 11. Microsoft has released Internet Explorer 11 as their eleventh and last version of Internet Explorer.
Why did Google end support for Internet Explorer 11?
The eleventh version of Internet Explorer has now become depreciated and dated. It only contributes to a small share of browsers that are used for Google Search.
Since Google has ended its support, it suggests that the latest feature of Google will not be available on Internet Explorer from now onwards. Also, Microsoft itself has announced that they are ending support for Internet Explorer 11.
Google users can now use other supported browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, etc.
If you were a user of the Internet Explorer web browser it is better to switch to any other supported browser in order to avoid any disturbance or interference.
These are a few drawbacks of Internet Explorer 11:
● Bad Support
The eleventh version of Internet Explorer 11 has pretty bad support. Since even Microsoft has ended its support for the version, the support will be quite minimal when it comes to security and bug fixing.
Your customers will get the least performance possible as the latest and updated features will not be available in Internet Explorer 11. So if you want to provide a better performance, it is high time to switch to other web browsers and end your support for Internet Explorer 11.
● It is very slow
According to reviews, it takes more than four seconds for the version to load websites and boot up. This is double the time taken by other web browsers available. While four seconds can feel like a less amount of time, most users expect the website to load within seconds.
Most people will get annoyed if a particular page takes more time to load. Compared to other web browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome which does the job much faster than IE 11, it can be considered extremely slow when compared to other web browsers.
● It has awful security
Internet Explorer is known for its terrible security. It has major issues with security. You can be exposed to all kinds of security threats just by having Internet Explorer 11 on your computer or PC.
Having the same on your computer can make you vulnerable to various hackers stealing local data. Hackers can attack and steal your data without your knowledge.
So if security is your topmost priority Internet Explorer 11 is not for you. It is better to have it completely removed from your computer rather than to end support.
● Microsoft has stopped using it
The fact that even Microsoft has stopped using the eleventh version of Internet Explorer, it is high time you stop using it too. It does not meet the latest and modern standards.
Even brand new websites don’t look good as expected on Internet Explorer 11. You would miss out on a lot when it comes to new websites and web apps if you don’t switch to other web browsers which support the latest features.
Benefits for dropping support for Internet Explorer 11.
● Your website or webpage will have a better advantage as it can make use of the latest features available.
● It can also help in simplifying your quality assurance process.
● The development cycle will be faster.
These are the common drawbacks of the eleventh version of Internet Explorer and which can be the reason why Google Search has also ended its support for the same.
If you are a regular user of Google Workspace apps, it is time to switch to other web browsers as Google Work apps will no longer be available on Internet Explorer 11.
Most used work apps like Docs, Slides, Sheets, etc will not be available on Internet Explorer 11 anymore. Microsoft itself has announced that the users will get a reduced quality experience while using the web browser. Therefore the latest features of Google Updates will not be available for the same.
So in order to avoid any further problems like performance issues and security problems, make sure you shift to a different and better browser to make use of the latest features available.
Microsoft has also encouraged customers and various organizations to switch to the Microsoft Edge browser before the due date for a better web experience.
The most common suggestion is to stop using Internet Explorer 11 as your primary web browser altogether. It is not just the availability of the latest features but also security that matters the most.
Microsoft itself says to use the same as a compatibility solution. The fact that it is not secure enough to protect a customer’s data is more than enough reason to stop using the eleventh version of Internet Explorer 11.