How to best use Google Analytics(and do I use GA4 Version or old version or both?)

Before you know the benefits of Google Analytics and make use of the advantages it provides for your business it is important that you should have a clear idea of what it actually is.
What is Google Analytics and how can you make use of it for the benefit of your business?
Keeping track of your website traffic and reporting accordingly is one of the many services provided by Google Analytics.
It provides you with tools that can help you understand your audience in a much better way. It also helps in calculating your ROI as to how much profit you have attained from your ads and other measures of advertising your brand.
This feature of Google is mainly used for marketing purposes and search engine optimization (SEO). This feature is available free of cost to anyone who has a Google account.
It is included in the Google Marketing Platform and its benefits will be immensely useful for your brand or company in the long run as it helps you keep track of your sales and improve accordingly. Tracking your marketing performance as well the content you post, the products, and the services provided by your brand.
If you are new to digital marketing or you are starting with a small-scale business, anyway, this feature provided by the Google Marketing Platform will help in boosting your business sales.
Understanding what your customers prefer and working on it accordingly is the ultimate way to attain profit in any kind of business and here is how Google Analytics will help your brand.
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How will Google Analytics help my business?
Any type of marketing strategy you apply is ultimately for the benefit of your company. So here are some of the benefits of Google Analytics that can help your company reach better heights.
Google analytics is in a way a necessity in present-day digital marketing. It provides information concerning your site and the number of people who do visit your site.
More than that it helps you keep track of your various businesses and gives you all the necessary information you need in order to make changes in your marketing strategy.
Here are some of the benefits of Google Analytics you should know that can help your brand reach greater heights.
● Target audience
By now you will be aware of the importance of knowing your customers when it comes to business. Focusing on your target audience and making the needed changes in your strategy is the key way to success for any type of business.
Now Google Analytics makes this job much easier as it helps to create a better understanding of your customers
With the help of analytics, you can target your business to a particular audience that might be interested in considering or using the products and services your brand provides.
This understanding can help you boost the sales rates of your brand as it will give you an analysis of your website traffic rates.
● Traffic flow
Analytics can provide you with important information that can be very useful in making certain decisions and it can also affect the overall future of your brand.
It shows how your target customer acts, for example, all the purchases they made and various links they clicked, etc.
This will definitely help you make informed decisions based on the information provided regarding the traffic on your website as well as other social media accounts.
Also, you can know the keywords that were used by your audience to avail or check for a particular product or service.
Thus you can further enhance your content accordingly to increase your website traffic further.
What do your clients look for?
Google Analytics can help you gather demographic information like the customer’s age, gender, location, etc.
With such details, you will know how to apply various marketing strategies based on the types and interests of different customers. Especially when it comes to advertising, you will know how and what to focus on while doing so.
So you can work according to what might interest them so that they spend more time on your website.
It can also help you with content marketing as you can post blogs that specific users may find interesting and help reduce bounce rates.
● Website channels
Website channels are yet another useful feature provided by Google Analytics that helps you find out how your user landed up at your website.
It can be through the content that you shared, or other social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Emails, etc. Knowing how your customers are coming to your website can help you strategize accordingly.
Like if the most amount of users comes through a particular social media platform you can make your resources pretty strong in that area to attract more potential customers.
It can also work in the reverse format, if a particular campaign is not working out as you planned you can apply different strategies that might improve it and understand which strategy is useful.
You will understand what exactly can attract a wider audience that is what is working for you and what is not in order to improve your reach.
In addition to this, Analytics will also give you the number of users that used specific pages of your website and how long they spend on each page.
This will help you to identify which are the pages that are not working for your customers and enhance that particular page accordingly
● Time-saving
Using Google Analytics can be extremely useful in saving your time. As you receive customized data and reports you can determine all the factors that are needed for a good and efficient website.
Since it is data-driven it helps you save time and avoid guesswork. You can decide and learn things through Analytics with less time that you cannot know otherwise.
Thus you can focus more on your business with Google Analytics to provide you with other necessary information.
Difference between GA4 and the old version
Recently Google has updated a new version of analytics that provides better and enhanced reports and works on event-driven models.
The older version measures and tracks data based on the page view, and sessions which is the number of times users spend on your website.
The new model is GA 4 tracks based on parameters and events, this will give you more detailed information compared to the older version.
When it comes to the new version, tracks the events differently than the older version. GA 4 also has other useful features such as user event and data retention, event tracking automation, e-commerce tracking, cross-device tracking, cross-platform tracking, attribution modeling, custom dimensions, etc.